Steyr 55 1936

Enchère de départ


8.000,00 - 13.000,00

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Numéro de lot: 121 - 223

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The Steyr 55 is a classic car produced in Austria. There is a certain similarity between the Steyr 55 and the Volkswagen Beetle. The later Beetle designer Ferdinand Porsche worked at Steyr from 1929 to 1930, but it is not certain whether he had any influence on the development of this Steyr people's car. The concept is officially attributed to Karl Jenschke. The Steyr 50 was introduced in 1936 - the same year as the Beetle - and two years later the more powerful 55 followed. The Steyr 55 had a steel body and was available as a sedan or convertible. The body had a streamlined design with rounded shapes. A total of about 13,000 units of the 50 and 55 were produced. Today there are only a limited number left. The cars on offer are part of a static collection that has been accumulated over the last 40 years. This car in particular has been standing outside for a long time. We have not tried to start any of the cars. You can inspect the car on the viewing days for which you have to make a reservation through our ticketshop.

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