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Kavelnummer: 221 - 22
Kaveltype: % BTW
Ophaaldag: Bekijk transportmogelijkheden
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Classic Car Auctions is niet de verkoper. Wij veilen en factureren als bemiddelaar namens een derde partij, de verkoper.
The 1957 Chevrolet Bel-Air is one of the most iconic models in American automotive history, beloved for its distinctive style and timeless appeal. Part of the second generation of Bel-Air models, this car marks a high point in postwar automotive design. Its distinctive fins, elaborate chrome accents and dual headlights make the Bel-Air a symbol of the 1950s.
The 1957 Bel-Air stands out not only for its performance, but also for its luxurious interior. With its sleek dashboard, two-tone upholstery and optional features such as power windows and a modern radio, this car offered unëven comfort for its time. The model was often seen as a status symbol, making it popular with families and lovers of stylish cars alike.
Today, the Chevrolet Bel-Air is a beloved collector's item and a fixture at classic car shows and auctions. Recognized worldwide as an icon of American automotive art, the model is often restored to its original glory. For collectors, it is not only a car, but also a piece of history that perfectly captures the spirit of the 1950s.
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