Mercedes-Benz Vito 108CDI 2002


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The Vito 108CDi is a van of the manufacturer Mercedes-Benz. The Vito 108CDi is powered by a four-cylinder diesel engine. The Vito 108CDi is supplied with a five-speed manual transmission. The Vito 108CDi generally had optional extras such as power steering, electric windows and central door locking. The 2002 Mercedes Vito 108CDi is a reliable van that is suitable for transporting goods. It is often used for business purposes. The vehicle was originally delivered new in the Netherlands. The cars on offer are part of a static collection that has been accumulated over the last 40 years. This car in particular has been standing outside for a long time. We have not tried to start any of the cars. You can inspect the car on the viewing days for which you have to make a reservation through our ticketshop.

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