Hymer/Vauxhal Mobil Camper 1976


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This 1976 Vauxhall Hymer Mobil Camper was a recreational vehicle (RV) based on a Vauxhall company car. The motorhome was built by Hymer, a reputable manufacturer of motorhomes from Germany. The Hymer motorhome offered a compact but functional living space with optional features such as a kitchen unit with stove, sink and refrigerator, a sleeping area, a lounge area and storage space. The interior of the 1976 Vauxhall Hymer motorhome was designed to provide comfort and functionality while traveling. The materials and finishes were simple but functional, with an emphasis on space saving and ease of use. The cars on offer are part of a static collection that has been accumulated over the last 40 years. This car in particular has been standing outside for a long time. We have not tried to start any of the cars. You can inspect the car on the viewing days for which you have to make a reservation through our ticketshop.

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