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Der Verkäufer bestimmt nach der Auktion, ob das Los zugeteilt wird - Mehr Informationen
Classic Car Auctions ist nicht der Verkäufer. Wir versteigern und rechnen als Vermittler im Auftrag eines Dritten, des Verkäufers, ab.
The Gwynne Eight was a small car produced by the British company Gwynne Engineering LTD between 1922 and 1928. The car had a 2-seater or 4-seater open body, powered by a 980cc four-cylinder engine that produced about 20 horsepower. The top speed of the car was about 50 miles per hour. The Gwynne Eight had a simple but attractive design and was relatively cheap compared to other cars of the time. It was popular with people looking for an affordable and reliable car. Production of the Gwynne Eight was discontinued in 1928 due to the company's financial problems. Today there are very few Gwynne Eight cars left and they are considered very rare and valuable classic cars. The cars on offer are part of a static collection that has been accumulated over the last 40 years. They are mainly in an unrestored, original but dusty condition. We have not tried to start any of the cars. We have been informed that the engines have been turned, on a regular basis, but the exact condition of the cars and the engines is unknown to us. You can inspect the cars on the viewing days for which you have to make a reservation through our ticketshop.