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Classic Car Auctions ist nicht der Verkäufer. Wir versteigern und rechnen als Vermittler im Auftrag eines Dritten, des Verkäufers, ab.
The Panther J72 is a luxury sports car produced by the British car manufacturer Panther Westwinds from 1972 to 1981. It was a hand-built roadster with a classic design based on the Jaguar SS 100 of the 1930s. The J72 was the first model produced by Panther Westwinds and did well at its launch at the 1973 London Motor Show, where the Rolls-Royce managed to set the record straight. A number of celebrities ordered a copy and this brought the necessary extra attention to the new car manufacturer. The 1136 kilogram model was a two-seater convertible with a 3.8-liter, 4.2-liter or 5.3-liter Jaguar V12 engine under the hood, which could be operated by a three-speed automatic or a four-speed manual transmission. The Panther J72 was an exclusive and luxurious sports car praised for its unique design and craftsmanship. Only an estimated 368 units of the Panther J72 were produced between 1972 and 1981, making it a rare and iconic car. The cars on offer are part of a static collection that has been accumulated over the last 40 years. They are mainly in an unrestored, original but dusty condition. We have not tried to start any of the cars. We have been informed that the engines have been turned, on a regular basis, but the exact condition of the cars and the engines is unknown to us. You can inspect the cars on the viewing days for which you have to make a reservation through our ticketshop.