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Kavelnummer: 221 - 101
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Harley-Davidson is a name synonymous with freedom, power and timeless style, and the 2004 Electra Glide Ultra Classic FLHTCUI is no exception. This model is part of a long tradition dating back to the brand's founding in 1903. Harley-Davidson has always stood for iconic motorcycles that offer the perfect balance between functionality and elegance. The Electra Glide, introduced in the 1960s, took comfort to the next level and quickly became a favorite choice for touring riders. With the addition of the Ultra Classic version in later years, such as this 2004 version, luxury was combined with reliable performance. The 2004 Electra Glide Ultra Classic carries on a rich Harley-Davidson tradition of touring with style and comfort. With its timeless appeal and reliable performance, this model is still a beloved possession among collectors and enthusiasts. To get a good idea of the lot, we recommend coming to the viewing day.